How workforce management software helps construction companies?

construction workforce management software

Workforce Management software is an important tool to hire and manage contract workforce.Usually construction and infrastructure projects employ many laborers on-site, and so it is crucial to integrate real-time field operations to regional and head offices to establish a foolproof communication channel/network.

With web & mobile-based workforce management apps, most firms have started to rethink operational efficiency, employee satisfaction, and most importantly customer experience factors.

In the construction industry particularly, Workforce Management software is designed to minimize pilferage, overlapping of decisions, duplication of work, problems linked to labor grievances, and legal disputes among many other peripheral issues, thereby optimizing team and increasing overall efficiency.

Here’re some benefits of WFM software in a nutshell:

  • Creating staff schedules to Dispatch employees or recruits to a new job site (Logging time to job completion & project delivery on-site)
  • Save money by making payroll more accurate
  • Automated supply chain management system for speedy operations
  • Fast track labor grievances and redress mechanism
  • Streamlined 5M factors Man, Material, Machinery, Money, and Minutes
  • Integrated Lean Principles to minimize expenditure and scale up profit

In the broader context of construction management, project owners can derive the following benefits out of Workforce Management software:


No longer is decision-making based on randomness and probabilities, Workforce Management software can capture and analyze data from the construction sites for tracking employee performance better, optimizing delivery channels, and even hiring or retaining top talent. It can also enhance internal efficiency and operations where there is increased complexity in the construction space. There is tremendous data build up in massive commercial construction projects, which explains why data-based decision-making is pivotal to their success.

Information Management:

Workforce Management software allows employees to stay connected in the communication loop, so they do not have to wait in order to make adjustments to their work schedules and job site activities. This is particularly useful in the case of subcontractors who can now troubleshoot and identify solutions for issues in real-time than requesting for approval every time.

This can reduce undue delays in the delivery of projects. Mobile-based management ensures on-site workers capture information digitally in real-time, and have it transferred to the back-office staff for processing and fast decision-making.

Managing customer expectations:

Today’s construction management technology is driven to close gaps between expectations and delivery. With Workforce Management software, customers can check project status and develop instant communication in real-time with supervisors on the job concerning extensive changes to the project scope or small modifications required to be included in the current scope.

Project owners, project managers or sponsors do not have to deal with tons of data as centralizing data sources across inter-departments ensures every stakeholder has access to the appropriate data.

If you’re a project owner wanting to improve on-site to back office communication in real time, job accuracy on-field and  increase overall efficiency, just sign up with us for a personalized demo of Tactive’s Workforce Management software today.

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