Overcoming the challenges in the construction industry using Construction Management Software and ERP

Benefits of ERP Software in the Construction Industry

Before getting into the solution part, let me give you an insight into how construction challenges arise and how they affect the workflow of a project and the types of challenges that a contractor is likely to face. Challenges in the construction industry arise due to a multitude of factors ranging from;

  1. Shortage of Manpower, 
  2. Gap in the demand and supply chain, 
  3. Machinery breakdown, 
  4. Bids lost,
  5. Inefficient Site Investigations, 
  6. Misleading numbers while raising client & sub-contractor bill,
  7. Excess pilferages leading to cost overrun, 
  8. Time overrun, 
  9. Inaccurate data in reports like JCR, MIS, DPR, DLR, and so on…
  10. Vendor issues and many more…  

Now let’s see the key processes of a construction project that are heavily impacted by some of these challenges;

Construction Project ChallengesOvercome Challenges

The above-stated challenges of the 20 different construction processes can be further classified into 8 groups as per their nature and dealt with individually using the construction project management software. The 8 part classification of the challenges and how they are addressed using the 8 modules of Tactive construction ERP software are listed below:

  • Challenges at the Tendering & Estimation process can be resolved using construction management software by;
  • Challenges at the Budgeting & Scheduling process can be resolved
  • Challenges in the construction project management process can be resolved
  • Challenges in the procurement management process can be resolved
  • Challenges in the Inventory management process can be resolved
  • Challenges in the Equipment management process can be resolved
  • Challenges in the construction Finance & Accounting process can be resolved
  • Challenges in the construction HR & Payroll process can be resolved

The construction business processes and operations revamped and automated by Tactive construction management software with its 8 modules is given below in a nutshell…

Tactive construction ERP software is a web and mobile-based construction management software that takes on the role of ERP software to assist contractors and project managers with their daily construction operations. Tactive is one of the very few products in the market that has built-in Business Intelligence to promote positive ROI and  Lean technology to control cost overruns. If you want better insight into how Tactive can boost your business potential, schedule a free DEMO of Tactive construction management software.


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